
Showing posts from February, 2017

Peaches be like...

The thing about pets is they ALWAYS pick one person they prefer more than anyone else. Peaches prefers Jake most days. For example, when Jake and I are both home and Jake comes into the room, Peaches be like: BUT if Jake and I are both home and I come in the room, Peaches be like: Rude .

Cuteamus Fruitamus

Peaches and her kind are known in Latin as  Cuteamus Fruitamus [pl. cuteamus fruitami]. This name can be roughly translated to "cute-fruit." Scientists have done extensive studies on Cuteamus Frutami  and have found a  cuteamus frutamus ' emotions can be determined by the shape of their head. Some examples include "Flathead," an indication the bird is content. This is usually accompanied by soft beak grinding, and cute chirps. "Muttonhead" occurs when the birds puff their muttonchop-like cheek feathers out to show off. Figures 1-A and 1-B demonstrate these traits. Figure 1-A: The content Flathead Figure 1-B: The ostentatious Muttonhead Though the Cuteamus Fruitamus has a variety of good-natured head shapes, it also has more insidious ones. Lumphead or Cro-Magnon head means trouble. This head shape may mean the Cuteamus Fruitamus  has found a territory that nobody should come near. Don't even look at its territory. Lumphead can also m...

Hi, Peaches!

I wanted to give you a real picture of Peaches. She's so cute, but SO BAD. But when she's bad, it's really cute anyway. <3

Looking over a mountain.

I have a bird named Peaches. She is everything. And everything is bird. This is her looking over a mountain. She only weighs 58 grams, but she has a big personality.